This page provides details on functionality of the software and the progress of implementing improvements to ConservationSpace. See the Technical Information page for related material.
Functionality Prior to Phase 3 of Development
ConservationSpace software can be described simply as a document management system built on the Alfresco open source platform that contains a custom interface designed for the conservation community. Input for creating the interface came from a partnership of 6 institutions (Courtauld Institute of Art, Denver Museum, Indianapolis Art Museum, SMK - Denmark, Yale University and the National Gallery of Art, with the National Gallery as the project leader and contractor for the development of the platform.
The basic concept for the software is that it will allow users to (1) write conservation documents that contain both the text of the reports and (2) to add metadata to enhance the reports and the cultural objects stored in the system. These two requirements provides the means to store important information about the care of cultural objects and to assist the user in searching for information. The software also has to assure that documents are stored safely and provide users with an interface containing simple and complex search tools to extract reports and related information from the system.

Detail of a Cultural Object Landing Page
In May 2017, the system entering Phase 3 development had already been used for several months for genuine records management as well as test data that users entered to learn about the system. Users found a number of issues that could be improved to make the system better for conservators.
ConservationSpace Functionality Defined
Here are the basic functions that provide the tools to define Conservation Space as a document management system.
The ability to control access to the system and identify registered users of the system
Access to an institution's Collection Management System (CMS) or a self-contained, configurable CMS within ConservationSpace
Tools in an open source context that emulated popular document writing features
Templates to create pre-defined documents ready for end user entry of report information
An interface that merges CMS information within documents to avoid repetitive entry of data stored in the CMS
The means to add metadata to any system object (documents, the cultural object, a file folder, task, project or workflow
A user interface that is clear and understandable
A uniform way to organize system in the user interface so that data can be easily located for any record
A method of searching the data that is logical and easy to navigate
Search methods that employ advanced filtering to eliminate the display of unwanted information
The ability to save searches to recall them at a later time
A means to upload information to add cultural objects, legacy data or proprietary file formats into the system
Basic user defined personal data in the system
Provide a "folder" system to organize system objects if needed
Create a Task that is assigned and completed by named users
Provide a Workflow system for tracking actions required by users to accomplish
Upload a primary image of a cultural object created by an institutional authority
Ability to upload user created images
A set of annotation tools to enable users to note physical locations on a cultural object
Linking cultural objects to other cultural objects or documents to other documents
A system of alerts to provide cues that an object in the system has been opened and changed or that new activity has started that is of interest to another user
The means to output via electronic document or hardcopy of information in the system
An export protocol to download any information from the system as well as to migrate records should the host institution choose to withdraw from the use of ConservationSpace
Phase 3 Goals
The focus on the third phase of the development of ConservationSpace is to improve the functionality of several features in the system. The impetus for this is to address features that were not able to be refined in Phase 2 and to add the component of user feedback to made fine adjustments to the functions that need help to clarify or enhance i the system. The project investigators stressed that the system as it currently has been configured is fully functional. These changes are to focus on the user experience and make adjustments to the software based on actual use of the program rather than a technical analysis that has no reliance on real work experience.
List of Software Releases in ConservationSpace
(Note that latest releases are at the top of this page)
Release 2.19
Pending - In the test server.
Release 2.15, 2.16
Changed styles:
Main menu
Create/Upload button
Loading component
Standardized system colors
View user profile image in the user section
Object properties:
Change style
Show/ Hide object properties in widgets
Documents support
Migrated CKEditor to version 4.8.0
Integrated basic open source fonts in the platform
Added Line Spacing in editor
Added arrow up and down feature to table in the editor
Search result displayed in the system breadcrumb
Browser back button navigates to the search result
Release 2.14
Sort option in Data Table Widget
Display widget name and title during configuration
Action "Create/Upload" in Data Table Widget
Tab Basket in the Object picker displays the list of the related objects
Search Improvements:
Advanced search options icon in the search toolbar is changed
Auto-suggest for object properties in advanced search
Select context from recently used objects
Page Break option in the editor
Improved OCR
Release 2.13
Filter option in DTW
Changed icon of the Export to Excel action in the Data Table Widget
Changed icon of the Export to Excel action in the Data Table Widget
Hide the icons of the objects in the Data Table Widget
Search improvements
Basic search functionality is fully replaced by search bar
Search by "current object" in the search bar
Keyword search toolbar in the object picker
Search by keywords in the advanced search
Template Management
Update Template
OCR is performed on upload scanned pdf-documents and images in the system. This allows searching in the content of the uploaded pdf-documents and images
OCR-ed content can be presented in the Content widget
Release 2.12
(release 2.11 is included)
Date: 12.04.2017
Dashboards in the system are updated. Different color schemes are added to the different types of cultural objects
Display the result number in the header of the data table widget
Groping of actions performed on an object
Preview images in Content widget
Improvements in visualization, print and export to PDF of the object data widget
Search improvements
User management
Audit log
Registering issues
registering issues is available in the main menu
User Guide
User guide content is updated
User guide structure is updated

Details Displaying Use of the Circle and Rectangle Drawing Tools in Mirador for Image Annotation
Release 2.10
Date: 10.01.2017
Play audio and video files in the Content widget
Display/ hide side borders and header of widget in preview mode
Configure data table style: Row stripe
Side bar tree styles are improved
Template management
Clone template
Search improvements
Search by object type & context in the keyword search field in the main menu
Performance optimizations
Removed No Permission option
Release 2.9
Date: 10.01.2017
Document creation
New property Related cultural object type is available.
Document names are generated by rules
The template should be selected on the New screen
The list with templates is loaded depending on rules (type of cultural object)
The document is created when Create action is selected
Template management
New action Change the template of an object is available
New action Update the template of existing objects is available. Only for administrators
New action Deactivate template is available. Only for administrators
New action Delete template is available. Only for administrators
Rules on templates could be added. Only for administrators
Actions on objects
Most used actions are displayed in header section of the system objects
New action is restricted based on business rules
New action is renamed to Create/Upload
The landing page of an object is refreshed when action is executed
Case, Project
When creating a case or project the department is transferred from the creator to the case/project
New group "Everyone“ is replacing All other users option.
Sort search result by relevance
The search results are ordered as follows:
1st, at the top are listed all object that have exact match of the search phrase in the Object number or CMS number or Artists
2nd are listed all objects that have exact match in the name/title or filename of the item
3rd are listed all objects that have exact match in the description or the content of the item
4th are listed all objects that have exact match in the identifier of the item

Example of Assignments in the Tasks Feature
Release 2.8
The template of the document is select in the New screen
The document is created when the Create button in the New screen is selected
Release 2.7
Compare versions of uploaded documents
Tab Upload in the Object Picker
Release 2.6
Date: 5.29.2017
(releases 2.4 and 2.5 are included)
Action New
Multiple file upload
Show more/ less on create / upload screen
Restrict action New based on the status of the selected context
Restrict action New based on the user permissions on the selected context
Object Picker
Tab Create in object picker
Tab Recently used in the object picker
Tab Basket
Search query is executed automatically when the picker is opened
Search query is executed in the current context by default
Ability to Select all/ Deselect all
New actions on objects
Publish document
Create Archived Revision of a cultural object
Create Document for Cultural Objects,
Create Workflow for Cultural Objects, Documents
Create Sub-Task for Tasks
Create Conservation Activity for Projects
Create Task for Project, Conservation Activity
Revert to previous version
WorkflowsCreate workflow:
Review and Approve Conservation Activity Reports (+publish) Workflow
Move Cultural Object Workflow
Photograph Cultural Object Workflow
Take Material Sample From Cultural Object Workflow
Documents Review and Approval Workflow
Start/Stop workflow
View workflow diagram
Update status of the related documents
Send e-mail notifications on workflows
iDoc and WidgеtsNew tab configurations:
Lock tab
Revision options
Insert link to object from the text editor
Chart view widget
Process widget
Object data widget – ability to configure radio-buttons and check-boxes
Search by empty value
UI redesign of the external search form
Manage actions per role
new revision tab for Documents, Cultural objects
template management
Move right divider of the Side bar

Example of the Use of the Advanced Search Selection Option to Find Specific Documents
Release 2.3
Date: 02.22.2017
Recent Activities Widget - the widget has been added to the Projects dashboard, Conservation Activity, Cultural Objects dashboard, and to the Task page. The Project and Conservation Activities dashboards and Task page have been updated.
Email Notifications - notifications are sent upon the following actions: move, delete all system objects, start, suspend, restart, reopen, stop, complete, reassign project, conservation activity, and task.
Push Notifications - now available on comments
Tooltips created for objects
Permissions Restrictions - the user can no longer create a system object he/she doesn't have permissions for based on the new library configurations.
"Create Another" option added in the the New popup window
Contextual help for permissions and version tabs now available
Action "Clone" - the action gives the ability to create a copy of a document and its content.
Action "Export to Word"- the action gives the ability to export the system objects to Microsoft Word.
Release 2.2
Contextual Help – the ConservationSpace User Guide is available from the user dashboard, and also from different pages of the system i.e. the cultural object dossier, recent documents, the search page etc.
Versions of the system objects can be reviewed via the Version tab.
Comments Widget - the widget has been added to Projects, Conservation Activities, Cultural Objects dashboards, and to the Task page. The widget presents the comments added to the object itself and for the activities also presents the comments on the content created/uploaded in the activity.
Tooltip on Actions – the effect of each action is described in its tooltip.
Any data table in the system can be exported to an Excel file.